Daily Archives: October 22, 2010

New manual covers feeding distillers grains to cattle on forage

New manual covers feeding distillers grains to cattle on forage

The Fence Post

Research shows forage-fed cattle often perform better when corn products like distillers grains are made available, especially during the winter months.

To assist cattle producers in assessing the opportunity of feeding corn co-products produced by ethanol plants and other milling processes, the Nebraska Corn Board and University of Nebraska have published “Feeding Corn Milling Co-Products to Forage Fed Cattle.” The manual, the latest in a series published by the two, includes current research, feeding recommendations and more.

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Factory and Free Range Farming

Factory and Free Range Farming

Kent McGroarty

Edge San Francisco

Editor’s note: Stories of this ilk are included in the blog to inform those in our industry how agriculture is being presented to and perceived by the public.

The consumption of beef, pork, and poultry purchased from factory farms can endanger human health on multiple levels. Animals are often kept in confined spaces with access to little fresh air or light and can become extremely sick.

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BeefTalk: Source and Age Verification Through the Eyes of a Third-party Verifier

BeefTalk: Source and Age Verification Through the Eyes of a Third-party Verifier

Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Service

Source and Age Verification of Calves – Rule #1 – Start Early! Source and Age Verification of Calves – Rule #1 – Start Early!

Some parts of the program are the responsibility of the producer, some the third-party verifier and others are a combination of both.

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Livestock producers applaud USDA decision

Livestock producers applaud USDA decision

Berthoud Recorder

RMFU Supports Vilsack on GIPSA Rule “We are pleased to see USDA Secretary Vilsack standing up to the nation’s meat packing lobby on the GIPSA (Grain Inspection, Packers & Stockyards Administration) rules,” said RMFU President Kent Peppler, a Mead, Colo. Farmer

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104,000 US Jobs Could Disappear as Result of USDA’s Livestock Marketing Rule

104,000 US Jobs Could Disappear as Result of USDA’s Livestock Marketing Rule


An economic impact study conducted by John Dunham and Associates, Inc. concludes that the Obama Administration’s proposed rule on livestock marketing could leave approximately 104,000 additional Americans without jobs. Consequently, the study reports a $14 billion reduction in the National Gross Domestic Product.

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‘Final Drive’ Kickoff Oct. 28 at American Royal

‘Final Drive’ Kickoff Oct. 28 at American Royal

Southwest Farm Press

The kickoff for a “Final Drive” Oct. 28 in Kansas City, Mo., will honor Stanley Stout, one of the beef industry’s most successful auctioneers and one of Kansas State University’s most passionate supporters.

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Meat lobbyists: Rule may lift prices, destroy jobs

Meat lobbyists: Rule may lift prices, destroy jobs


The State

A meat industry lobbying group is asking the U.S. Department of Agriculture to withdraw a proposed antitrust rule that it claims will raise meat prices and destroy jobs.

The rule would bar meatpackers from discriminating between cattle producers when purchasing product. It also would limit the amount of personal investment that poultry companies require their farmers to make.

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Grain vs grass equation may solve US cattle riddle

Grain vs grass equation may solve US cattle riddle

Agri Money

The rate of placements of cattle on US feedlots has slowed from a four-year high, data on Friday is expected to show – but by how much may depend on farmers’ reaction to soaring corn prices at a time of readily available grass.

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Farming Grass For Cattle vs. Ranching Cattle – From the Ground Up

Farming Grass For Cattle vs. Ranching Cattle – From the Ground Up


The largest source of agricultural revenue in Texas comes from the sale of beef cattle. Texas produces about 20% of the nation’s beef cattle and ranks #1 in the country in the value of cattle raised.

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Farming Water in Florida

Farming Water in Florida

Orlando Salinas

Fox News

Jimmy Wohl’s been a cattle rancher for most of his life. His family bought the 5,000 acre spread in Sebring, Florida back in the early 1960’s, and it’s still a working cattle ranch today. While we were walking his land, A couple hundred head of beef cattle were looking at me like I was some sort of matador. Kind of like how many American ranchers have looked at any kind of governmental agency that wants to step foot on their land.

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