Daily Archives: October 4, 2010



“…and the old man gave his orders, ‘Boys, go at them from the jump, no use to go for fancy riding now.’ ”

That great line from The Man from Snowy River by Banjo Paterson crossed my mind as I started into the thorny brush and wicked mesquite thicket on a steep slide of rocks and tangled undergrowth, chasing a big bony cow the color of a rusted coal barge.

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What are animal welfare and environmental certification programs?

What are animal welfare and environmental certification programs?


Several organizations in the United States provide guidelines on how animals should be raised to maximize animal welfare and protect the environment. Some of them also offer certification — and the use of their logo — to farmers who can prove they follow those guidelines.

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When in doubt, blame the beef

When in doubt, blame the beef

John Maday


Spanish cyclist and three-time Tour de France winner Alberto Contador claims that tainted steak caused his positive test for a banned substance. Contador has gained headlines this week after cycling authorities announced that tests on July 21 at this year’s Tour de France, which he won, revealed a small concentration of the banned substance Clenbuterol .

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Passionate For The Safety Of Animals

Passionate For The Safety Of Animals

Bovine Veterinarian

You may have been tending to a sick calf. Or maybe you were baling hay to feed your cows next winter when the snow will be too deep for grazing. Anyway, I doubt you took notice that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals turned 30 years old this month.

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Larry Redmon offers advice for rookie land and cattle owners

Larry Redmon offers advice for rookie land and cattle owners

Amanda Nolz

Tri State Livestock News

The optimism and romanticism of the cattle business in 2010 is spurring a growing number of novice land and cattle owners to try their hand out on the trade, a decision that can have both positive and negative results, said Larry Redmon, Ph.D., an AgriLife Extension state forage specialist in College Station, TX.

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NCBA Blasts EPA for Anti-Agriculture Agenda

NCBA Blasts EPA for Anti-Agriculture Agenda

Gary Truitt

Hoosier AG Today

  The National Cattleman’s Beef Association has launched a series of blistering allegations against the Environmental Protection Agency. Last week EPA administrator Lisa Jackson testified before the Senate Ag Committee that her agency is not out to get American agriculture.

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Corn can be a viable grazing option for grass-fed beef

Corn can be a viable grazing option for grass-fed beef

Gayle Smith

The Fence Post

As grass-fed beef becomes more popular in our country, more producers are looking for an economical way to put those final few pounds on to finish. According to Bob Scriven, a grazing consultant from Kearney, Neb., grazing standing corn can be a viable option for some producers.

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Plan would set back meat industry

Plan would set back meat industry

J. Patrick Boyle

Traverse City Record Eagle

Americans spend less disposable income on food than any other country, and only 1.5 percent of that income on meat and poultry products. The safety of meat and poultry products, combined with their affordable, yet bountiful selection — from ready-to-eat to fresh — is a testament to the success of the industry and the innovative and collaborative spirit of both livestock producers and meat and poultry processors.

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How can lead poisoning of cattle can be avoided?

How can lead poisoning of cattle can be avoided?


Recently a cow/calf producer suggested that producers be alerted to a potential danger of lead poisoning to their cattle. When the producer encountered an unusual sudden death of more than 10 young calves, he sought veterinary help. The investigation and diagnosis revealed that old car batteries were buried in a ditch in one of the pastures.

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So You Want To Be A Rancher?

So You Want To Be A Rancher?

Susan Allen


For the first time in many years the cattle market looks rosy and typical of that outlook is the fact that more than a few folks sitting on acreage are  thinking they might like to pick up some beef cattle.  Is that a good idea or a sure bet?

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