Daily Archives: October 19, 2010


Baxter Black, DVM:  SAINT TEMPLE

The Vatican has proclaimed Sister Theresa a saint.  It was one of those wonderful recognitions that allow Christians in particular, and humanitarians in general, to put aside our differences and appreciate humans who have made the world a better place.

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Are Older Cows Less Fertile?

Are Older Cows Less Fertile?

Dr. Ken McMillan


 We have several older Angus cows that did not breed back last year. Are older cows just less fertile than younger ones?

Yes, older cows, like older people, can have a harder time getting pregnant. That is one of the leading reasons cows are culled from the herd. But that being said, I have had multiple “teenagers” in my herd that breed like clockwork.

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Steve Cornett: Feeling Better about GIPSA

Steve Cornett: Feeling Better about GIPSA

Beef Today

The GIPSA saga sagas on, but there is hopeful news to report.

I know. I’d rather talk about something else, too. It’s not like there aren’t plenty of threats from outside the beef industry that should be holding the attention of every lobbyist and leader taking dues dollars to serve the cattle industry.

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Walmart Unveils Global Sustainable Ag Goals

Walmart Unveils Global Sustainable Ag Goals


Walmart launched Oct. 14 its new global commitment to sustainable agriculture that will help small and medium sized farmers expand their businesses, get more income for their products, and reduce the environmental impact of farming, while strengthening local economies and providing customers around the world with long-term access to affordable, high-quality, fresh food.

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Is Beef At Risk of Mad Cow Disease Again?

Is Beef At Risk of Mad Cow Disease Again?

 Martha Rosenberg

News Blaze

"The rumor was started, and it’s totally unfounded, that there were cattle with BSE in Texas," Ted McCollum, beef cattle specialist with the Amarillo office of Texas AgriLife Extension, told the press.

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Why vaccinated calves get sick

Why vaccinated calves get sick

Kenny Barrett Jr., DVM, MS

The thought of smothering a choice cut of beef in herbs has never appealed to me. I prefer the simple time-tested dry rub of garlic salt and freshly ground black pepper.

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Ranchers Should be Observant to Protect Property

Ranchers Should be Observant to Protect Property

Robert Wells and Clay Wright

Cattle Today

Cattle rustling can conjure up different thoughts depending on who you are. Some imagine a scene from an old western where bandana-wearing cowboys gather up a herd of cows and drive them to a distant and secret location.

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Can naturally raised beef find its place in the industry?

Can naturally raised beef find its place in the industry?

Science Blog

As consumer demand for naturally raised beef continues to increase, researchers at the University of Illinois have discovered that naturally raised beef can be produced effectively for this niche market as long as a substantial premium is offered to cover additional production and transportation costs.

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Iowa Cattlemen’s Association Hires New Communications Manager

Iowa Cattlemen’s Association Hires New Communications Manager


Dal Grooms, a long-time communications professional in Iowa agriculture circles, has been hired by the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association (ICA) as communications director.

ICA President Kent Pruismann, Rock Valley, said, "This spring, we hired Duane Gangwish as our Chief Executive Officer to implement ICA’s mission of enhancing and developing the beef industry in Iowa. With the addition of Dal Grooms to the staff, he’s strengthening ICA’s communications efforts in telling our story."

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Beef ambassadors promote the importance of agriculture advocacy

Beef ambassadors promote the importance of agriculture advocacy

Amanda Nolz Radke

Tri State Livestock News

“Agvocacy” is a term that was coined by farmers and ranchers who are dedicated to spreading the good word about agriculture through online promotional efforts. These grassroots campaigns use more than just good, old-fashioned word-of-mouth.

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