Daily Archives: October 15, 2010

Black Ink:  Longevity

Black Ink:  Longevity

Steve Suther

The oldest cow on record died in Ireland in 1993 at the age of 49, having been born on St. Patrick’s Day 1944 in Kerry and producing 39 calves over time. So she missed a few years—big deal.

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Beef marketing should plan to emphasize farm family traditions

Beef marketing should plan to emphasize farm family traditions

The Cattle Business Weekly

The beef industry could benefit by dropping the term “conventional beef” in describing products from mainstream production systems, and instead, focus on using the term “traditional beef” with consumers.

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USDA is No Longer Big Meat’s BFF

USDA is No Longer Big Meat’s BFF

Melanie Warner


USDA secretary Tom Vilsack’s proposed new antitrust meat regulations mark the decline of a long, loving and productive relationship between the USDA and Big Meat.

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You’re Losing The Battle Of Trust

You’re Losing The Battle Of Trust

Bovine Veterinarian

Who do you trust? Beyond your family and friends, with whom do you feel most confident and comfortable? In your farm or ranch business it may be your veterinarian, Extension or university specialist, or a fellow producer.

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Digital cameras get CFIA approval for beef grading

Digital cameras get CFIA approval for beef grading

AG Canada.com

A German-made digital imaging system for beef grading has picked up Canadian Food Inspection Agency approval for use in the country’s larger federally-inspected packing plants and could help ranchers adjust their production accordingly.

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Mills Meats puts focus on growing healthy herd

Mills Meats puts focus on growing healthy herd

Bethany Fuller

About half a dozen beef cattle looked up from their grazing on Friday afternoon as Bradley and Nicole Mills walked through the pasture.

The couple, who manages the farm, recently sold around 130 head of beef cattle and is finishing off the small herd before buying more cattle later this year.

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NCBA defends cattle ranchers during forum

NCBA defends cattle ranchers during forum

The Pryor Daily Times

National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Chief Environmental Counsel Tamara Thies spoke on behalf of U.S. cattlemen and women Sept. 29, at a forum in Washington, D.C., focused on the impact of Environmental Protection Agency regulations on job creation and economic expansion in America’s rural communities.

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New Nebraska Corn Board manual covers feeding distillers grains to cattle on forage 

New Nebraska Corn Board manual covers feeding distillers grains to cattle on forage 

The Grant Tribune Sentinel

Research shows forage fed cattle often perform better when corn products like distillers grains are made available, especially during the winter months.

To assist cattle producers in assessing the opportunity of feeding corn co-products produced by ethanol plants the Nebraska Corn Board and University of Nebraska have published “Feeding Corn Milling Co-Products to Forage Fed Cattle.”

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Why the Beef Industry Is Freaked Out By a Kids’ Contest

Why the Beef Industry Is Freaked Out By a Kids’ Contest

Melanie Warner


In hopes of casting a more healthful glow on the much-maligned school lunch program, the USDA, along with Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move campaign, has launched a contest encouraging people to come up with creative vegetable, bean and whole grain recipes for kids.

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How Am I Going to Feed My Cows This Winter?

How Am I Going to Feed My Cows This Winter?

Dr. Mark A. McCann, Extension Animal Scientist, VA Tech

Our year in Virginia began under plenty of snow which gave way to a muddy March and more recently into a dry summer and early fall.  Growing and storing adequate forage for the upcoming winter has been challenging in most localities and in some areas grazeable forage has been short during a few times during the summer drought.

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