Daily Archives: October 8, 2010

U.S. May Need ‘Strategic Hamburger Reserve’ after Obama EPA Implements New Regulations

U.S. May Need ‘Strategic Hamburger Reserve’ after Obama EPA Implements New Regulations

Chris Neefus


According to a representative of the cattle and beef industry, America may need a “strategic hamburger reserve” if the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) implements proposed new regulations for cattle producers.

“From where I sit, (the Obama administration) appears to be aimed at destroying the cattle industry in America as we know it,” Tamara Thies, the chief environmental counsel at the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, said on Capitol Hill last week.

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Max Thornsberry:  We’re Being Duped!

Max Thornsberry:  We’re Being Duped!

Beef Today

A good distraction is a time-honored strategy to do unto someone without them knowing what you are doing until it is too late, for them. As cattlemen, we’ve become quite adapt at distracting a mother cow long enough for our partner to grab her calf so it could be examined in safer quarters. But, cattlemen aren’t the only ones savvy enough to employ a distraction to draw attention away from what is really going on.

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Despite advances in cattle industry, death loss still a problem in feedlots

Despite advances in cattle industry, death loss still a problem in feedlots

Gayle Smith

Tri State Livestock News

The improvements in handling facilities and vaccinations for cattle have allowed producers to work with animals more effectively and efficiently with less people.

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Follow BQA Guidelines When Culling Cows

Follow BQA Guidelines When Culling Cows

BEEF Magazine

October and November are typical months for calf weaning, pregnancy checking of cows, and cow culling. To ensure the beef industry continues to provide the best product possible for its consumers, it’s vital that cow-calf producers have a close working relationship with a large-animal veterinarian in their area, says Glenn Selk, Oklahoma State University Extension emeritus animal scientist.

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BeefTalk: The Higher Priced Calves Bought Supper

BeefTalk: The Higher Priced Calves Bought Supper

Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Service

With current technology, cattle buyers can call up performance measures and health histories on previously purchased cattle at the touch of a phone pad.

Fall cattle processing raises the question of just how much a producer wants or needs to do. What if two neighbors each were selling 30 steer calves and split the trucking cost?

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New national ambassador team announced

New national ambassador team announced

The Cattle Business Weekly

Twenty-six youth competed to be the next spokesperson to share and demostrate the benefits beef provide to people at the 2011 National Beef Ambassador competition in Rapid City on Oct. 1-3.

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Keep it simple

Keep it simple


Getting the most out of a respiratory vaccine comes down to a few simple questions producers should ask themselves, says Gerald Stokka, DVM, Veterinary Operations, Pfizer Animal Health. Answering these questions can help ensure a herd health program has a strong foundation for the entire year.

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Steve Cornett:  That Circular Firing Squad at DOJ Hearing

Steve Cornett:  That Circular Firing Squad at DOJ Hearing

Beef Today

That was quite the eye-popper of a DOJ-USDA “hearing” * for some folks on each side of the chasm. It was as if we had all been transported into talk radio; as if somebody had told us that the louder we talked and the madder we seemed, the more persuasive we would be.

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Running on Empty

Running on Empty

Wes Ishmael

Angus Journal

‘With one in six people going hungry, one child dying every six seconds and 80% of Sub-Saharan African countries facing higher food prices than a year ago, the poor and the hungry are facing one of the biggest crises in our lifetimes,” said Josette Sheeran, executive director of the United Nations’ World Food Programme (WFP) at a meeting of G8 nations last June. The G8 consists of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, Germany, Italy, France and Russia.

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JBS Five Rivers’ $18M renovation near Kersey nearly complete

JBS Five Rivers’ $18M renovation near Kersey nearly complete

Bill Jackson

Greeley Tribune

The $18 million renovation of the JBS Five Rivers Cattle Feeding feedlot east of here is almost complete.

Mike Thoren, president and CEO of Five Rivers, said the process began about two years ago and will be complete by the end of this month. Thoren and other Five Rivers and JBS USA officials hosted an open house for about 300 guests at the Kuner Feedlot on Wednesday afternoon.

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