Daily Archives: October 19, 2015

How to Pack a Showbox

How to Pack a Showbox

Raney Lovorn

Angus Journal

Combs, brushes, spray bottles, water hoses, health papers, hairspray, curling irons, harnesses, show halters, toy tractors, a bag of chips, feed supplements, wormer, a purse, a camera, cable ties … It may be impossible to find any of these items when they are really needed.

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Depending on what your soil pH is it might be time to add some lime.​

Depending on what your soil pH is it might be time to add some lime.​

Gary Bates

Beef Today

We often spend a lot of time discussing fertilizer and its importance in forage production.  Then we make the statement “lime and fertilize based on a soil test” without really talking about the importance of lime.  Adding lime to the soil results in an increase in the soil pH.  This increase in the soil pH is what has the impact.

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DNA testing for disease is on the way

DNA testing for disease is on the way

Debbie Furber

Canadian Cattleman

It sounds like science fiction but you will soon be able to test a newborn’s DNA as a baseline for future detection of potentially chronic conditions such as Johne’s disease and bovine respiratory disease (BRD) and even BSE to get an early jump on treatment, all from a single blood sample.

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OSU Market Economist Derrell Peel Believes the Cattle Market Collapse Is Behind Us

OSU Market Economist Derrell Peel Believes the Cattle Market Collapse Is Behind Us

Oklahoma Farm Report

The cattle market collapse began in the slaughter cattle markets and the wholesale boxed beef prices and spread into the yearling and stocker markets from the latter part of August, through September and into the early days of October. The live cattle and feeder cattle futures plunged faster than the cash markets, resulting in the live trades chasing the futures even lower.

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Feeding cost of gain and net returns for cattle finishing

Feeding cost of gain and net returns for cattle finishing

Michael Langemeier

Beef Producer

Fed cattle prices have declined sharply since early September. This article discusses trends in feeding cost of gain and net returns for cattle finished in Kansas, with emphasis on the extremely large losses currently facing the industry.

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New Angus Beef Plant In Aberdeen Set To Open In November

New Angus Beef Plant In Aberdeen Set To Open In November


An Aberdeen beef plant wrapped up in South Dakota’s investment-for-visa scandal is expected to open in early November. New Angus CEO R. Douglas Cooper says that New Angus is testing equipment and hiring workers.

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Lab-Grown Burgers Could Hit the Market in the Next Five Years

Lab-Grown Burgers Could Hit the Market in the Next Five Years

Whitney Filloon


Some say artificial lab-grown meat is the future of food — and the future could be arriving sooner than you think. According to the BBC, the Dutch scientists that produced the world’s first lab-grown burger back in 2013 say they hope to have a cheaper, tastier version of the meat product on sale within the next five years.

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Barn Fires Kill Farms and Ranches

Barn Fires Kill Farms and Ranches

Kathy Voth

On Pasture

“Nothing can bring a farm to its knees in a single, decisive blow faster than a fire” says Michael Greenia, a member of the Vermont Barn Fire Prevention Task Force. In fact, he says that many farms never recover. Jenny Nelson agrees after seeing the loss of many barns and farms to fire over the last 30 years.

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Mark Parker:  The Top 10 good reasons for doing a bad job

Mark Parker:  The Top 10 good reasons for doing a bad job


10. Loose, exploded mushroom hay bales are easier for your toothless cows to feed on.

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Mowing weeds early helps to keep pasture grasses greener and healthier

Mowing weeds early helps to keep pasture grasses greener and healthier

Tracy Turner

Ag Answers

Livestock producers who want a simple way to improve their pastures may want to consider using a tool similar to what most homeowners use to keep their neighbors happy – a mower, only bigger.

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