Daily Archives: October 12, 2015

Marketing cull cows

Marketing cull cows

Glenn Selk


Some culling of beef cows occurs in most herds every year. A few cows will become reproductively unsound, broken-mouths, bad udders, open, and/or just plain OLD. If feed resources are available, some producers may wish to market the culls after the first of the year for tax purposes.

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Don’t use tanks that have been used to haul fertilizer for hauling drinking water for cattle

Don’t use tanks that have been used to haul fertilizer for hauling drinking water for cattle

Dr. Mary Drewnoski

University of Nebraska

Tanks that are used to haul nitrogen-based fertilizer should not be used to transport drinking water for cattle as there is a risk of poisoning. Any nitrogen remaining in the tank can potentially cause nitrate or non-protein nitrogen (urea) toxicosis in ruminants (depending on form of fertilizer).

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Do your cattle get enough vitamin D? Corwin Nelson

Do your cattle get enough vitamin D?

Corwin Nelson

Progressive Cattleman

For most beef producers in North America, the answer to the title of this article depends on the season. Vitamin D is not always an essential nutrient for cattle, as vitamin D3 (the main form of vitamin D utilized by cattle) is produced in their skin when exposed to the sun’s UVB rays – hence its nickname as the sunshine vitamin.

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Learn 12 foundational principles- Part One

Learn 12 foundational principles- Part One

Whit Hibbard


In my columns to date, I introduced and made the case for low-stress livestock handling (LSLH) as an essential component of operating sustainable livestock operations, and reviewed its requisite foundational elements: mindset, attitude, and reading, working and preparing animals.

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Survey: 1 in 3 vegetarians admits to eating meat when drunk

Survey: 1 in 3 vegetarians admits to eating meat when drunk


The survey of 1,789 Brits who claimed to be vegetarians found that 37% of the respondents admitted to eating meat after having too much to drink. The survey by the discount website VoucherCodesPro found that while some break the rules, the majority of vegetarians stick to their dietary restrictions, Fox News reported.

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Obama Administration Starts Making Pitch on Benefits to Farmers, Ranchers

Obama Administration Starts Making Pitch on Benefits to Farmers, Ranchers

Chris Clayton


The Trans-Pacific Partnership sales pitch to American agriculture is that the 500 million or so people outside the U.S. represented by the trade deal includes a rapidly-expanding middle class that will want more U.S. food products.

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Cattle producer Glen Cope of Aurora receives Governor’s Award for Agricultural Achievement

Cattle producer Glen Cope of Aurora receives Governor’s Award for Agricultural Achievement

The Missouri Times

Cattle producer Glen Cope, of Aurora, was recognized today with a Governor’s Award for Agricultural Achievement, which honors outstanding farmers, growers and processors for their work with agricultural commodities and their communities. The award was presented by Missouri’s Director of Agriculture, Richard Fordyce, on behalf of Gov. Jay Nixon.

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How It Works: Instrument Carcass Grading

How It Works: Instrument Carcass Grading

Dr. Justin Rhinehart

University of Tennessee

Beef carcass grading is a service that has been provided by the USDA for more than 80 years. Over those many years, they have made tremendous improvements in the speed and accuracy with which the graders assess quality (marbling, color and maturity) and yield estimates (ribeye area, backfat and KPH). Even though human grading has improved, there are still limitations.

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United Nations Environment Program calls beef climate harmful meat

United Nations Environment Program calls beef climate harmful meat


Editor’s note: Stories of this ilk are included in the blog to inform those in our industry how agriculture is being presented to and perceived by the public.

Beef eating has impassioned the nation, with politicians of all hues duelling like bulls in rage. Religious taboos are one aspect, but there is also a very strong environmental angle for not eating beef.

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