Daily Archives: October 2, 2013

Beef Facilities Conference set for Nov. 21

Beef Facilities Conference set for Nov. 21

Beth Doran

Iowa Beef Center

Beef barns of all types are becoming more common place in the upper Midwest. “But, there is a lot that we are still learning about these barns,” said Beth Doran, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach beef program specialist.

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Do Liquid Supplements have a Place in your Program?

Do Liquid Supplements have a Place in your Program?

Stephen B. Blezinger, Ph.D, PAS

Cattle Today

In the last edition we started a discussion of liquid feeds and their use in the typical cow/calf management program. Let’s continue that discussion by looking at the nuts and bolts of the process.

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Calf Well-Being at Weaning

Calf Well-Being at Weaning

SDSU iGrow

Soon cows and calves will be gathered off pasture. Calves will be prepared for the next stage in the market chain to be sent to a backgrounder, stocker or feedlot. The key to producing a successful calf crop that thrives from weaning through finishing is in the producer’s ability to minimize calf stress said, Heidi Franzky, SDSU Extension Livestock Stewardship Associate.

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Nature takes bite out of beef industry

Nature takes bite out of beef industry

San Antonio Express News

As Rick Hales steered the feed truck along the dusty road next to his livestock pens one morning recently, carefully lining the vehicle’s discharge chute over the trough that borders a back fence, dozens of jet-black Angus cattle began to amble toward the sound.

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Colin Woodall of NCBA Talks Government Shutdown Impacts on Beef Cattle Industry

Colin Woodall of NCBA Talks Government Shutdown Impacts on Beef Cattle Industry

Oklahoma Farm Report

As we hit day two in the federal government shutdown, there are services that are important to the beef cattle industry that continue to operate- and others that are now on hold.

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Beef Checkoff Slims Research, Promotion Funding to Meet Budget Restraints

Beef Checkoff Slims Research, Promotion Funding to Meet Budget Restraints

Beef Producer

The Cattlemen’s Beef Board Operating Committee last week finalized plans to invest about $38.5 million checkoff dollars into programs for beef promotion, research, consumer information, industry information, foreign marketing and producer communications in fiscal 2014, pending USDA approval and a review by the full Beef Board.

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10 Ways To Have A Stress-Free Weaning Day

10 Ways To Have A Stress-Free Weaning Day

Amanda Radke


Even though we are busy in the field harvesting corn this week, we will take a break from running the combine and grain cart to wean calves on Saturday. Of course, rain is in the forecast for the latter part of the week, and snow is expected this weekend, but the calves are big, and corn stalks are waiting to be grazed.

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Japanese taste for tongue brings picky buyers to Nebraska feedlots

Japanese taste for tongue brings picky buyers to Nebraska feedlots

Russell Hubbard

Omaha World-Herald

A beef cut virtually ignored by most of the world as an unappetizing curiosity is part of what motivated Japanese meat buyer Yuji Hiraoka to travel 6,000 miles from home to traipse through Nebraska airports, hotel lobbies, feedyards and cattle ranches.

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Stocker operators have better days ahead

Stocker operators have better days ahead

Bill Spiegel

Midwest Producer 

It’s been a tough few years for beef producers, compared to the relatively flush recent history of their brethren in the cropping side of production agriculture.

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Cattle respond to covered pens

Cattle respond to covered pens


On a hot day, cattle prefer shade. Observing the obvious led to research on the benefits of providing shade in open pens, even before the era of large-scale cattle feeding.

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Cow-calf confinement considerations

Cow-calf confinement considerations

Bovine Veterinarian

. . . Drs. Jason Sawyer and Gordon Carstens of Texas A&M University examined the impact of improved energetic efficiency when costs are applied to legitimize the semi-confined production system and whether relative feed intake is a useful tool in a cow system.

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