Daily Archives: October 7, 2013

With U.S. government shut, private data providers step in

With U.S. government shut, private data providers step in

Tom Polansek


When the U.S. Department of Agriculture went dark this week due to the partial government shutdown, phones lit up at commodities firm Urner Barry.

The USDA typically provides quotes on beef, pork and chicken prices, but 156-year-old New Jersey-based Urner Barry quickly became the go-to source for livestock traders searching for market quotes.

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Reproductive Efficiency Essential for Beef Herds

Reproductive Efficiency Essential for Beef Herds

Lee Jones, DVM, MS

Cattle Today

Reproductive efficiency is essential for beef herd success and profitability. Basically, it is the measure of the productivity of the cow herd considering pregnancy rate, birth rate, weaning weight and weaning rate.

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Alabama cattleman does a budget-friendly makeover on his working facility

Alabama cattleman does a budget-friendly makeover on his working facility

Becky Mills

Angus Journal

In 2003, Regional Extension Agent Jonathan Gladney looked at Michael Anderson’s cattle working facility and knew something had to change.

“It wasn’t working for the animals or the animal handler,” he recalls. “It wasn’t safe.” …

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Reduce scours outbreaks through proper management

Reduce scours outbreaks through proper management


Nothing causes as much loss to a cattleman as calf scours. Not only does scours decrease performance, but also profitability. Yet, cattlemen can reduce the occurrence through sound management practices.

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Consider pregnancy checking cattle early

Consider pregnancy checking cattle early

Farm and Ranch Guide

Beef cattle producers can realize significant savings by identifying and culling nonpregnant females prior to winter feeding, says Carl Dahlen, North Dakota State University Extension Service beef cattle specialist.

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Heifers don’t have to be pigs at the feed bunk

Heifers don’t have to be pigs at the feed bunk

Heifer Pro

Heifers being prepared for breeding don’t have to eat like pigs, stuffing themselves at all-you-can-eat feed bunks with unlimited refills, according to scientists at a Montana State University experiment station.

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Funding Stalemate Has Meat Industry Impact

Funding Stalemate Has Meat Industry Impact

Beef Producer

The American Meat Institute Thursday released a quick look at what services are discontinued and what services have been retained during the government "shutdown" that has resulted from Congress’ inability to pass a federal spending bill.

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MSU Steer-A-Year program returns

MSU Steer-A-Year program returns

Great Falls Tribune

Montana State University resumed its Steer-A-Year program after a one-year hiatus.

Montana ranchers who want to donate a steer to benefit students in MSU’s College of Agriculture should contact Extension Beef Cattle Specialist Rachel Endecott. Steers will be accepted Oct. 14-18. They will be housed and fed to finish at the Bozeman Agriculture Research and Teaching Farm west of Bozeman.

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Research Team Works On Genetic Test For BRD Susceptibility

Research Team Works On Genetic Test For BRD Susceptibility

Heather Smith Thomas


Bovine respiratory disease (BRD), also known as pneumonia or shipping fever, is the most costly disease in the U.S. cattle industry, particularly for the feedlot sector. More than 1 million animals are lost each year to BRD, at an estimated price tag of more than $1 billion.

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Industry Assurances Over Drug Safety Found to Be Misleading?

Industry Assurances Over Drug Safety Found to Be Misleading?

Huffington Post

Editor’s note: Stories of this ilk are included in the blog to inform those in our industry how agriculture is being presented to and perceived by the public.

Yet another industry assurance about the safety of the controversial practices used in intensive livestock production has been exposed as a falsehood.

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Managing for the marketing of fall-born calves

Managing for the marketing of fall-born calves

Rusty Evans

The Leaf Chronicle

Most folks in the beef cattle industry are currently focused on marketing spring-born calves and what those calves are worth. While recognizing the importance of fall marketing, Griffith reminds producers that now is the time to focus on management practices that can increase calf value when fall-born calves go to market next spring or summer.

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