Daily Archives: October 9, 2013

When BVD doesn’t look like BVD

When BVD doesn’t look like BVD

Julia Ridpath, PhD

Bovine Veterinarian

If you ask a practitioner to describe a “typical” outbreak of bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) you might get a variety of answers. In fact, the more experience one has with BVD the less willing one might be to give a definitive answer.

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Changing Your Mind Can Be Good and Traumatic

Changing Your Mind Can Be Good and Traumatic

Jesse Bussard

Beef Producer

Writing about the cattle business and my past involvement in cattle industry organizations has allowed me to meet a lot of people in the business. Among this crowd, however, I have always noticed the most successful and profitable people have one key defining factor which sets them apart from the rest of the herd.

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Dewormer Questions

Dewormer Questions

Dr. Ken McMillan

DTN/The Progressive Farmer

I have long felt in our area that the residual effect from Dectomax and Ivomec injectables and pour-ons was very helpful in breaking the parasite life cycle. Now, we have a product that reportedly has a much longer course of action.

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Experts tout grass-fed beef as healthier but environmentally costly

Experts tout grass-fed beef as healthier but environmentally costly

Samantha Chang


Grass-fed beef has skyrocketed in popularity as consumers become increasingly leery about eating meat that has been treated with growth hormones and antibiotics.

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Ranchers Face Hard Job Of Carcass Clean Up

Ranchers Face Hard Job Of Carcass Clean Up

Kevin Woster


Ranchers in western South Dakota continue the gruesome job of picking up livestock killed in the recent blizzard. Early estimates put the death toll on cattle in the tens of thousands.

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South Korea suspends some U.S. beef imports over feed additive

South Korea suspends some U.S. beef imports over feed additive

Jane Chung


South Korea has suspended some U.S. beef imports after detecting the cattle feed additive zilpaterol in meat supplied by a unit of JBS USA, raising concerns over how the controversial animal growth enhancer has entered the global supply chain.

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Purina Animal Nutrition Introduces Accuration Block

Purina Animal Nutrition Introduces Accuration Block


Purina Animal Nutrition introduces Accuration® Block, a new balanced supplement for beef cows. The supplement is formulated to help cows maintain ideal body condition scores (BCS) by providing the nutrients cattle need to complement available forage.

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Collaboration is important for the future of the beef industry

Collaboration is important for the future of the beef industry

Red Angus Association of America

As U.S. cattle numbers decline, and as consumers become more discerning, the beef industry will need to become better at building value at every stage of production.

 That was the main take-away message from a panel discussion sponsored by the Red Angus Association of America (RAAA) and its affiliate, the North Dakota Red Angus Association, Sept. 27, 2013, in Bismarck, N.D., at the North Dakota Stockmen’s Association’s Annual Convention & Trade Show.

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2013 K-State Beef Stocker Days

2013 K-State Beef Stocker Days

Laura Mushrush


Parsons, Kansas — The gravel road to Kansas State University’s Beef Stocker Unit filled with dust on Sept. 26 as cattlemen and women from across Kansas and bordering states gathered to listen to industry leaders speak of the future of the beef stocker segment and how to make improvements in their own operations.

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US Beef Becoming a Main Course in Asia

US Beef Becoming a Main Course in Asia

Hoosier AG Today

Earlier this year, Hong Kong agreed to expand US beef imports by allowing imports of beef from cattle younger than 30 months of age. The move was somewhat overshadowed by Japan’s long-awaited change allowing beef from US cattle up to 30 months of age

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