Daily Archives: October 14, 2013

$100,000 Worth Of Cattle Stolen From Okmulgee Ranch

$100,000 Worth Of Cattle Stolen From Okmulgee Ranch

News on 6

This is the largest theft that has ever happened at the Langford Herefords ranch in Okmulgee, which has been around for 75 years. Within two weeks, more than $100,000 worth of cattle was stolen.

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Grazing crop residues can help lower the costs of feeding your herd.

Grazing crop residues can help lower the costs of feeding your herd.

Kable Thurlow

Michigan State University

It is no secret that feed costs are the number one expense in the cow-calf beef operation. Knowing your costs and finding ways to lower them can provide a great opportunity to increase profits.

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Offers of help are pouring in for devastated S.D. ranchers

Offers of help are pouring in for devastated S.D. ranchers

Peter Harriman

Argus Leader

People from around the country are reaching out to help their fellow ranchers in western South Dakota, some of whom lost half their herd in a snowstorm this month.

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Flood presents hazards to livestock

Flood presents hazards to livestock

Megan Jedlicka

Sterling Journal Advocate

Keep in mind that a lot of debris will come down the flood-swollen river. Some of these items will be left on ag lands as the waters recede. Not only could things like wires, metal pieces, boards with nails, pipe and trees come downstream, but the water could have also brought down things like gas cans, batteries, biological waste, garbage and even dead fish, birds and animals.

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Speakers At Beef Expo Target ‘Lean Practices’

Speakers At Beef Expo Target ‘Lean Practices’

Kristen Buckles

Greenville Sun

From calf to mature cow and back again, beef producers from the eight counties of Northeast Tennessee learned Thursday about lean practices and methods for marketing improvement in every step of the beef cattle process.

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A strong foundation: Proper cattle hoof structure

A strong foundation: Proper cattle hoof structure

Rusty Evans

The Leaf Chronicle

Just like Extension educators have to rely on proper research to make sure we do not make suggestions that negatively affect your bottom line, cattle must have a solid foundation (good hoof structure) if they are going to last in the herd.

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Understanding What Happened

Understanding What Happened

Dave Ollila and Rosie Bold

South Dakota State University

The high death loss from the early October blizzard in South Dakota has producers and the public wondering “How could this happen?” We tend to think about winter storms, extreme cold and other stressful conditions that cattle, horses and sheep on western range often successfully cope with and ask “Why was this storm so much worse?”

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‘Oregon cattle’ a forgotten breed from 19th century

‘Oregon cattle’ a forgotten breed from 19th century

Vic Reiman

Independent Record

In the 50 years following the end of the Civil War, nearly six million longhorn cattle were herded north out of Texas. In the 1880s, Montana cattlemen brought in hundreds of thousands of these Texas longhorns to stock the eastern prairies of the territory.

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Beef Facilities Conference in Sioux Falls

Beef Facilities Conference in Sioux Falls

The Farm Forum

Several types of beef barns are becoming more common across the Upper Midwest. However, when it comes to deciding which one is right for their cattle operation many cattle producers still have questions regarding the cattle management, production impacts, manure management and air quality of each barn type.

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