Daily Archives: October 3, 2013

South Carolina forage test gets young bulls ready for their grown-up jobs.

South Carolina forage test gets young bulls ready for their grown-up jobs.

Becky Mills

Angus Journal

With genomic-enhanced expected progeny differences (EPDs) available, it is tempting to question the need for central bull tests. Scott Sell, director of the Edisto Forage Bull Test, puts a stop to that kind of thinking in a hurry.

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Do not treat your manure like a waste!

Do not treat your manure like a waste!

Jose A. Hernandez

University of Minnesota

Livestock manure has been considered an asset to crop production since the beginning of organized agriculture. Because manure contains several essential plant nutrients, it contributes to increased crop yields when properly applied to soils. Thus, manure represents a valuable nutrient resource for crop producers.

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A Good Vaccination Program is Important to Herd Health

A Good Vaccination Program is Important to Herd Health

Cattle Today

As hard as one might try, vaccination has never guaranteed absolute disease protection and never will. There are far too many factors involved which influence success or failure of a health management program

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A time to cull

A time to cull

John Grimes


A sure sign that fall is upon us is that corn and soybean fields are maturing and the fall harvest season is underway for most farmers. Early reports from around Ohio are that yields are very good, especially for corn. It is also harvest season for the cow-calf producer as spring-born calves are being weaned now and over the next few weeks.

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Build The Right Animal For Non-Selective Grazing

Build The Right Animal For Non-Selective Grazing

Jim Elizondo

Beef Producer

We need the right kind of beef animals to improve the soil and covert forage to beef efficiently and profitably.

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All hay is not created equal: using the Relative Forage Quality Index

All hay is not created equal: using the Relative Forage Quality Index

Frank M. Watson

University of Georgia

When it comes to feeding hay to animals, not all hay is the same. Farmers who grow hay, and those who buy hay for their livestock, rely on a grading system called the Relative Forage Quality (RFQ) index to guide them on which hay to buy.

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Poor Temperament Adversely Affects Profit of Feedlot Cattle, Researchers Say

Poor Temperament Adversely Affects Profit of Feedlot Cattle, Researchers Say

Oklahoma Farm Report

October is a traditional weaning and culling time for spring-calving herds. This is a time when producers decide which cows no longer are helpful to the operation and which heifer calves will be kept for future replacements.

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What’s The Similarity Between Blue Jeans and Beef Demand?

What’s The Similarity Between Blue Jeans and Beef Demand?

Burt Rutherford


At a point in the cattle cycle where all the attention is riveted on the supply side of the equation, it’s important to recognize that beef demand still drives the beef market bus, says Glynn Tonsor, Kansas State University ag economist.

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Want To Know More About Alfalfa?

Want To Know More About Alfalfa?

Hay and Forage Grower

Registrations are now being accepted for the 2013 Alfalfa Intensive Training Seminar, scheduled for Nov. 19-21 at the Embassy Suites Denver International Airport.

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