Daily Archives: September 19, 2017



Well, it’s dog days in the feedlot

            now that summer’s nearly done

I been loafin’ through the cattle

            but the steers don’t suffer none

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Review Ruminant Nutrition and Feeding Practices

Review Ruminant Nutrition and Feeding Practices

Heidi Carroll


Ruminants, which includes cattle, sheep, and goats, provide us with nutritious meat and milk through grazing on pastures or being fed in drylot systems. “Regardless of the species or purpose, we enter into an unwritten covenant to provide safety, comfort, health, and the animal’s feed and water,” emphasized DiCostanzo.

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Weaning is Critical Time in Calf’s Life

Weaning is Critical Time in Calf’s Life

Dr. Brandi Bourg Karisch

Cattle Today

As we enter the fall months, weaning time is at hand for most spring calving herds. This is the exciting time of year when producers are able to reap the benefits of a year’s worth of work and planning. The weaning period is a critical time in that calf’s life, and without proper planning can set that calf behind for the rest of its lifetime.

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An Ag Lender’s Questions for Startup Stocker Operators

An Ag Lender’s Questions for Startup Stocker Operators

Ellen H. Brisendine

The Cattleman

If you’ve always been curious about adding stocker cattle to your ranch business, then leasing land to an experienced stocker operator may be the easiest way to observe this segment of beef production with the smallest amount of risk exposure, a.k.a. losing money.

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Online tool could help predict forage, other conditions for cattle producers

Online tool could help predict forage, other conditions for cattle producers

Adam Russell

Texas A&M

A crystal ball to see into the future may be every agricultural producers’ dream, and two Texas A&M AgriLife Research scientists are integrating a tool to give cattle producers a 90-day glimpse.

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Capturing value in your 2017 beef calves

Capturing value in your 2017 beef calves

Jamie Purfeerst

Beef Magazine

Here are the latest listings of the U.S. beef industry’s top value-based marketing alliances for cattle and calves. Consumer-based programs focus on finding, feeding and marketing cattle according to predefined consumer product specifications. Meanwhile, calf-based programs are focused on procuring calves that fit specific value requirements. These program listings include contact information, history, specifications and premiums for each of these top value-based marketing programs.

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Manure Utilization: Capture the Value

Manure Utilization: Capture the Value

Joel DeRouchey


With fall season approaching, many livestock producers will be applying solid manure to fields post-harvest.  Manure from livestock producers, both large and small, is recognized as a valuable fertilizer source.  However, it certainly involves needed equipment and labor often above that needed to apply commercial sources when considering the scraping, hauling, spreading and potential tillage incorporation into the soil.

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Nebraska Rancher Discusses Impact of Death-Tax Planning

Nebraska Rancher Discusses Impact of Death-Tax Planning

High Plains Journal

Jay Wolf, a third-generation Nebraska rancher, who discusses the time, energy, and financial cost he’s forced to spend on estate planning due to the death tax.

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Preconditioning and Weaning Preparation

Preconditioning and Weaning Preparation

Rob Eirich

University of Nebraska

Cow-calf producers are nearing weaning time of their 2017 calf crop, with current market and industry trends, producers should be considering and preparing for preconditioning or weaning programs. It is important to consider the best programs for the health of calves during these stressful periods and into the feeding phases.

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Adaptive grazing takes soil health to next level

Adaptive grazing takes soil health to next level

Martha Blum


Management and flexibility are key for adaptive grazing systems. “If you practice adaptive grazing properly, you will create a series of positive and compounding effects that will allow us to be highly profitable on our farms and attractive for our kids to come back to,” said Allen Williams, a grazing expert with The Pasture Project.

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