Daily Archives: September 1, 2017

BeefTalk: Walking a Trail, Understanding Cow Math

BeefTalk: Walking a Trail, Understanding Cow Math

Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Service

The search for efficient cows at the Dickinson Research Extension Center has resulted in “cow math,” the translation of biological and economic efficiency into the herd production inventory based on land units.

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Pate offers hints into sound stockmanship

Pate offers hints into sound stockmanship

Teresa Clark

The Fence Post

As the horse and rider connect, the cattle move easily toward a holding pen. Using some simple moves, the rider sorts off some of the steers into a separate pen. In this cattle demonstration, there is no yelling, no running or jumping at the cattle, and no biting dogs. It is just simple stockmanship between a man and his horse moving some cattle where he wants them to go.

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Sick Cows/Sick People – The Grassfed Antidote

Sick Cows/Sick People – The Grassfed Antidote

Amy Goodman, Denis Moynihan

Common Dreams

Editor’s note: Stories of this ilk are included in the blog to inform those in our industry how agriculture is being presented to and perceived by the public.

Almost all of the beef available in supermarkets across the country comes from sick cows that pose a significant risk to human health. The Cornucopia Institute, a national food and farm policy research group, has just released a video educating consumers on where their burger meat comes from.

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Texas Farmer Describes Harvey Destruction

Texas Farmer Describes Harvey Destruction

Chris Bennett

AG Web

“This is water of biblical proportions. I’m talking about unimaginable flooding,” says Texas producer Dennis DeLaughter. In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, Texas growers are reeling as the agriculture industry begins to assess damage levels. All things considered, DeLaughter is a fortunate farmer, despite being surrounded by water and battered by 100-mph winds.

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Are you a digitally connected rancher?

Are you a digitally connected rancher?

Nevil Speer

Beef Magazine

USDA recently updated its relatively new biennial survey: Farm Computer Usage and Ownership. This is an important report; internet access and computer usage is rapidly evolving in rural America. For example, this year’s report added two new categories for internet access: fiber-optic cable, now serving 8% of all U.S. farms, and mobile internet service.

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Beef exports hit marketing year high

Beef exports hit marketing year high

John Perkins

Brownfield AG News

The USDA reports old crop corn and soybean export sales for the week ending August 24th were within most pre-report estimates. The 2017/18 marketing year for beans, corn, and sorghum officially starts September 1st.

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Risk Management for Commercial Cow-Calf Producers

Risk Management for Commercial Cow-Calf Producers

Dr. Bob Hough

Western Livestock Journal

he selection of proper genetics by a commercial cow-calf producer to match their environment, management, feed resources, and market opportunities is a significant, way to manage risk. This includes designing cattle with the proper mature size as well as growth and milk potential.

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I see you stock show mom, when no one else is looking.

I see you stock show mom, when no one else is looking.

Celeste Laurent

As much as I’m looking forward to her experiencing all the wonderful things that come from showing livestock, I’m pretty nervous about being a full fledged show mom.

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If Cattle Aren’t Grass-Fed, What Are Farmers Feeding Them?!

If Cattle Aren’t Grass-Fed, What Are Farmers Feeding Them?!

Buzzard’s Beat

You’ve heard ‘grass-fed’ on tv, online and in the grocery store. But what does that mean for cattle that aren’t grass-fed? Are they eating dead bugs? Tree bark? What is in their bellies if not grass?

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Limiting Weaning Stress for Beef Cattle

Limiting Weaning Stress for Beef Cattle

Daniel Carpenter

LaRue County Herald

Weaning is usually a stressful time of year for calves. Limiting weaning stress in beef calves can increase their daily gain. Calves often experience four types of stress: physical, environmental, nutritional and social. You can help them avoid or minimize these with proper management.

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