Daily Archives: September 6, 2017



The women stood in line. Her eyes stared vacantly. Her face was gaunt. A thin film of dust covered her clothing. The weight of the world lay on her shoulders. She was muttering under her breath. A fly touched her cheek. She brushed it off, unthinking.

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A College Debate over Meat

A College Debate over Meat

Dan Murphy

Bovine Veterinarian

The morality of meat was precisely the theme of a recent student debate at Cornell University titled, “The Morality of Meat.” Now, I began reading the report in the student newspaper, the Cornell Daily Sun, with some trepidation, because the debate was sponsored by Cornell Students for Animal Rights, the Cornell Vegan Society and a group apparently called Debate in Science and Health.

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Planned biology creates herd health

Planned biology creates herd health

R. P. "Doc" Cooke

Beef Producer

Since death is required of all life, I reckon practitioners of biological farming/ranching need to learn a good bit about death and disease. Disease is not a big part of the natural model, but it is rather common in our business. Disease is the “trouble” produced when a part or organ system becomes less than optimally functional, mostly concerning vital organs and the impairment of performance. Disease is not a necessary part the aging process but can and often does bring on death or premature economic production failure.

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Manage for High Quality Corn Silage

Manage for High Quality Corn Silage

Rory Lewandowski

Ohio Beef Cattle Letter

Corn silage harvest will have an extended season this year, reflecting the range of corn planting dates. Some of the late April planted corn will soon be ready for chopping. Producing a consistent, high quality corn silage requires planning and management. The goal is to provide an environment conducive to a quick and favorable anaerobic (without air) fermentation process. Characteristics of high quality silage include a pH below 4.5 and a lactic acid content of 65% or greater of the total volatile fatty acids.

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Silage season: Get the right pack, invest in an inoculant, tarp the pile

Silage season: Get the right pack, invest in an inoculant, tarp the pile

Wendy Sweeter

The Cattle Business Weekly

Producers preparing for silage harvest should keep in mind the proper steps to getting the most value and quality out of their feed.

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Shipping stress: Performance’s worst enemy

Shipping stress: Performance’s worst enemy

Melissa Beck

Progressive Cattleman

Shipping stress is the result of inadequate processes in the complex beef cattle production system. When talking about shipping stress and associated illness, we are really talking about bovine respiratory disease (BRD).

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Tomi Lahren addresses R-CALF USA

Tomi Lahren addresses R-CALF USA

Carrie Stadheim

Tri-State Livestock News

While she is not a rancher and never has been, it’s in her blood, and on her mind. Tomi Lahren, best known for her conservative rants on The Blaze network and more recently solely on Facebook, addressed the convention crowd at the R-CALF USA national convention recently in Rapid City, S.D.

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Hy-Plains Feed Yard opens research, education facility

Hy-Plains Feed Yard opens research, education facility

Kylene Scott

High Plains Journal

Tom Jones of Hy-Plains Feed Yard welcomed about 200 attendees to the new research and education facility at the feed yard near Montezuma, Kansas, Aug. 23. “I’m humbled we had such a great turnout for this,” Jones said. “The reason these partners built this building was for a meeting like this.”

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Analyst: More exports needed to offset growing beef supplies

Analyst: More exports needed to offset growing beef supplies

Carol Ryan Dumas

Capital Press

The U.S. will have to step up beef exports to clear domestic production, pushing it over the line from a net importer to a net exporter. While that will expose the industry to more volatility, it also offers opportunity in premium international markets.

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The impact of this year’s natural disasters on the cattle markets

The impact of this year’s natural disasters on the cattle markets

Meghan Grebner

Brownfield Network

The livestock sector has been hit especially hard by natural disasters this year. From the flooding that came with Hurricane Harvey, the severe drought in Montana and the Dakotas, and the wildfires through much of the west – it’s been a challenging year for cattle producers.

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