Daily Archives: September 14, 2017

Master Cattle Transportation

Master Cattle Transportation

Beef Quality Assurance

Transportation quality assurance plays a critical role in the health and welfare of cattle. The proper handling and transport of cattle can reduce sickness in calves, prevent bruises, and improve the quality of the meat from these animals. By using best practices, transporters can save the beef industry millions of dollars each year. When a transporter participates in the program they are showing consumers they are ready to take every step possible to keep cattle as healthy and safe as possible.

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RAAA Implements Updated Zoetis Genomic Test

RAAA Implements Updated Zoetis Genomic Test

A Steak in Genomics™

The Red Angus Association of America is excited to announce the release of Zoetis’ HD50K/i50K Version 2 genomic test along with the release of the Fall 2017 EPDs. Representing a recalibration of Zoetis’ original genomic test, Version 2 provides Red Angus breeders with a significant improvement in genetic prediction accuracy. 

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Addition by Subtraction

Addition by Subtraction

John Grimes

Ohio BEEF Cattle Letter

Weaning time is an excellent time to evaluate your cow herd and decide which cows get to remain in your herd as productive females. If they are not being productive for you, they need to be replaced by heifer calves retained from within the herd or by purchased bred females.

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Tools To Increase Competitiveness And Profitability

Tools To Increase Competitiveness And Profitability

Michael Baker


It’s been another summer for the record books. Last year we couldn’t buy rain, and this year we can’t get it to stop. I guess the only constant we can count on is change.

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Is perception truly reality for beef?

Is perception truly reality for beef?

Krissa Welshans

Beef Magazine

The system is broke. And the best analogy I can think of is a marriage gone bad.  Take President Trump and the media. They have been consumed in war, they have said things that weren’t true, they hurt each other’s pride and they became less in the process. They distorted the truth and they abandoned the key promises they made and the responsibilities they undertook.

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Argentine Billionaire Wants to List His Cows in New York

Argentine Billionaire Wants to List His Cows in New York

Pablo Rosendo Gonzalez


An Argentine billionaire banker is on the verge of becoming a beef mogul. Jorge Brito, who owns the controlling stake in Banco Macro SA, wants to raise at least $200 million through an initial public offering of his ranching company, Inversora Juramento SA, in New York, he said in a Sept. 4 interview from his ranch in Salta province, northwest Argentina.

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Vote on Oklahoma’s refundable beef checkoff is Nov. 1

Vote on Oklahoma’s refundable beef checkoff is Nov. 1

Chad Smith

Today’s Producer

Oklahoma cattle producers have an important date to add to their calendar. They’ll be voting on implementing a state beef checkoff on Nov. 1. The vote came after a successful petition drive to get the issue put before producers. State law requires at least 10 percent of the total number of producers to sign the petition and the Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association turned in almost 5,200 signatures to the State Department of Agriculture.

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Hundreds of Thousands of Cattle are At Risk After Hurricane Harvey

Hundreds of Thousands of Cattle are At Risk After Hurricane Harvey

Dan Nosowitz

Modern Farmer

Hurricane Harvey has left Houston under water, but floods have widened creeks and rivers throughout southeastern Texas, too, including land used for grazing by cattle ranchers. But perhaps the most iconic Texan agricultural product is its beef, and the struggle to salvage millions of dollars worth of cattle has been intense.

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Limit-feeding high-energy diets based on fermentable fiber for weaned and newly arrived calves offers numerous advantages

Limit-feeding high-energy diets based on fermentable fiber for weaned and newly arrived calves offers numerous advantages

Dale Blasi and T.J. Spore

Kansas State University

Many producers have used limit- or programmed-feeding in the past with success, especially during periods of drought when forage is not adequate. In a nutshell, limit- or program-feeding refers to the practice of limiting calves to two-thirds to three-quarters of the dry matter that they can normally consume.

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25 Years of Beef’s Quality Challenges

25 Years of Beef’s Quality Challenges

Greg Henderson


Information gleaned from the Beef Quality Audits spawned numerous industry-wide programs and alliances that built upon the concept of sharing information to reward stakeholders and improve beef’s overall quality.  “We recognized one size should not necessarily fit all,” says Warren Weibert, who co-owned and managed Decatur County Feed Yard for 37 years before retiring in 2014.

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