Cattle Preconditioning: Vaccination Guideline – Weaning Time

Cattle Preconditioning: Vaccination Guideline – Weaning Time

Designing a vaccination program from the multitude of immunization products currently on the market can frustrate anyone who wants to obtain maximum protection BCH-3015 1. BCH-3015 Product of Extension Beef Cattle Resource Committee Adapted from the Cattle Producer’s Library at a reasonable cost. The following is a vaccination guideline that will fit most cow-calf operations. Much of this information comes from a management guideline put out as a joint effort between the National Cattlemen’s Association (NCA) and the American Association of Bovine Practitioners (AABP), and is modified to meet the needs for a commercial cow-calf operation. Keep in mind that the following are general guidelines. Specific recommendations, particularly those in the optional category, should be made by your veterinarian because some products that may be needed in your herd are not listed (i.e., Redwater vaccine).


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