Daily Archives: February 27, 2015

BeefTalk: Commercial Beef Production Benchmarks for 2014

BeefTalk: Commercial Beef Production Benchmarks for 2014

Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Service

What is beef production? That question often is asked, and the answers are very varied because of a very diversified beef industry that encompasses vast amounts of space.

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Cull cows provide more than ground beef for burgers

Cull cows provide more than ground beef for burgers

The Western Producer

Cull cows have achieved record prices in the last few years and are an important part of the entire beef complex. They end up at packing plants, where more than 40 percent of product is marketed as whole muscle cuts, depending on how valuable ground beef might be in the current market.

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Is sexed semen the next reproductive standard?

Is sexed semen the next reproductive standard?

Burt Rutherford


Reproductive technology in beef cattle is advancing by leaps and bounds. Is your management prepared to take advantage of it?

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Accelerated Genetics Tailors Conference for Emerging Leaders

Accelerated Genetics Tailors Conference for Emerging Leaders

 Kari Stanek

Any dairy or beef farm owners, herdspeople or employees are eligible for this conference, and the event is designed for persons who have not previously attended. Accelerated Genetics believes in educating producers, so they can help cultivate food production for the growing global demand.

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Behind the Scenes at the UA Animal Sciences Meat Sale

Behind the Scenes at the UA Animal Sciences Meat Sale

Heather Hoch

Tucson Weekly

There’s no pretty way to slaughter and butcher an animal, but there is a way to do it as humanely as possible. That’s the way that Sam Garcia and his team of students and workers at the UA Animal Sciences department seek to go.

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Lameness – Identification and treatment important for public perception

Lameness – Identification and treatment important for public perception

Feedlot Magazine

As cattle navigate across pastures or fields, frozen ground or muddy conditions due to winter precipitation can set in motion the opportunity for injury or infections in the foot. Identifying affected cattle, as well as determining the cause and best course of action are essential not only for animal welfare, but also to keep cattle performance on track.

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Time to replace toxic fescue, when beef prices are good

Time to replace toxic fescue, when beef prices are good

Craig Roberts

University of Missouri

Good beef prices give herd owners a chance to upgrade pastures to remove toxic fescue. “Replant pastures when prices rise or you will be stuck with bad grass when prices drop,” says Craig Roberts. “Beef profits give a window that is not guaranteed to last,” says the University of Missouri Extension forage specialist.

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US beef issues contribute to current cattle price declines

US beef issues contribute to current cattle price declines

Jon Condon

Beef Central

While there’s a combination of reasons why Australian slaughter cattle prices have slipped substantially in the past fortnight, some of the impetus behind the trend can be traced to recent events in the US market.

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Reduce the Effects of Bloat Throughhrough Management

Reduce the Effects of Bloat Throughhrough Management

Stephen B. Blezinger

Cattle Today

Every year about now, thousands of head of cattle are turned out on lush, green pastures that have sprung up after a long hard winter. Maybe this description is a bit of an exaggeration but the basics are accurate.

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The tale of the missing homozygotes

The tale of the missing homozygotes

Mary Soukup


It is known and widely accepted that reproductive traits and fertility are among the most, if not the most, economically-valuable traits when it comes to selection strategies in the beef industry.

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