Daily Archives: February 23, 2015

Heifer development

Heifer development

Cliff Lamb

Angus Journal

One key to success the is focusing on for February is herd nutrition. An area of the beef cow-calf enterprise that requires sound nutritional management is in the area of heifer development.

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Preparing for healthy calves is vital to success

Preparing for healthy calves is vital to success

Farm and Ranch Guide

“Doing everything we can to ensure the birth of a live, healthy calf is our responsibility as cattlemen, and it has a great impact on the business aspect of our operations,” says Carl Dahlen, North Dakota State University Extension Service beef cattle specialist. “Advanced preparation will go a long way to ensure the health of the new calves and the cows that delivered them.”

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Red ink flows for cattle feeders

Red ink flows for cattle feeders

Wes Ishmael


High calf and feeder prices, in tandem with softer fed cattle prices, are driving cattle feeding breakevens toward deeper losses. The Livestock Marketing Information Center estimates cattle feeding losses (basis the Southern Plains) at $200 per steer in January and February.

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Time growing short for most antimicrobials in feed and water

Time growing short for most antimicrobials in feed and water

Beef Producer

Start getting ready, because we’re quickly approaching the time when antibiotic usage in livestock will be seriously curtailed. In December 2016 many antibiotic/antimicrobial products will disappear from the market and/or come under requirements for a veterinarian to prescribe them, says Mike Apley, professor of veterinary medicine at Kansas State University.

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Inspector warn against high speed processing

Inspector warn against high speed processing

The Cattle Business Weekly

The Food Integrity Campaign (FIC, a program of the Government Accountability Project) is releasing evidence it has gathered from federal meat inspector whistleblowers who currently work at pork processing plants participating in a high-speed inspection pilot program. These whistleblowers voice concerns regarding the program and warn about the potential public health implications if this plan is instituted on a national level.

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Testing Livestock Forage and Feed Samples Colder Weather Animal Care

Testing Livestock Forage and Feed Samples Colder Weather Animal Care

Tracey Turner

The Ohio State University

Colder weather requires means livestock need more energy to be able to withstand harsh winter conditions outdoors, according to a forages expert with Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.

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Report explores cow confinement, semi-confinement

Report explores cow confinement, semi-confinement

Ken Anderson

Brownfield Network

Cattle producers across the U.S. are heeding economic indications to rebuild and expand their herds, but a 32 million-acre decline in pasture availability over the last ten years is hindering expansion and causing producers to weigh options that require less land.

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Batter Up!

Batter Up!

Randy Kuhn

Ag Web

As I started thinking about a topic to talk about in this weeks blog, I thought, what the heck, let’s throw open the flood gates and see what I get thrown back in my face!  It’s been a while since any of my readers have personally attacked me for the way I decided to raise our animals and the way they think I should raise my animals.

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There’s a fine line between dumb luck, good marketing

There’s a fine line between dumb luck, good marketing

Ryan Taylor

Capital AG Press

I once saw a “de-motivational” poster that said, “Mistakes, It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others.” Pretty inspirational, huh?

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Montana ag producers look to expanding Asian markets

Montana ag producers look to expanding Asian markets

Great Falls Tribune

2014 began as a year of high expectations for Montana’s agriculture economy, but ended with them only partially realized. Spurred by the smallest national herd size since the 1950s, cattle prices reached historic highs in 2014.

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