Daily Archives: April 13, 2009

Animal Sciences Department Head, Leader, William Allen “Al” Cowan Passes

Animal Sciences Department Head, Leader, William Allen “Al” Cowan Passes

Hartford Courant

Dr. Cowan worked with livestock production and breeding for over 50 years. Although he retired in 1985, Al continued in an advisory capacity up until his passing. His teaching and advising of over 4,000 students during his career has had a tremendous impact on their lives and on their contributions to agriculture. He was the author or co-author of more than 164 publications and reports in scientific journals, popular journals and briefs.

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Good Decision-Making Improves Stocker Cattle Health

Good Decision-Making Improves Stocker Cattle Health


Dee Griffin, feedlot production management veterinarian with the University of Nebraska Great Plains Veterinary Education Center, recently gave a presentation at the Midsouth Stocker Conference highlighting the value of veterinary services in stocker operations.

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Will the IRS View Your Ranch as a Hobby?

Will the IRS View Your Ranch as a Hobby?


Many livestock producers have a full time outside job, or derive their primary income from a source other than their farm.

You may call yourself a “hobby farmer”, but care should be taken in how you operate your business as the IRS has special guidelines that may classify you as a not-for-profit organization and disallow many deductions you may otherwise be entitled to.

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Roll On, Rendering Trucks, Roll On

Roll On, Rendering Trucks, Roll On

Alaina Burt

Beef Magazine

This week the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced a delay in implementing the rule, “Substances Prohibited From Use in Animal Food or Feed,” originally published April 25, 2008 in the Federal Register. The final rule, which was set to take effect April 27, is now delayed 60 days until June 26.

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Beef Production Expected to Rise

Beef Production Expected to Rise

Western Livestock Journal

According to the latest USDA World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimate, total U.S. meat production for 2009 is forecast to be lower this month as a slight increase in beef output is more than offset by lower pork and poultry production. The beef production forecast is raised from last month due to a combination of heavier expected steer and heifer weights and higher expected cow slaughter.

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Stuedeman earns ACA scholarship

Stuedeman earns ACA scholarship


Anna Katherine Stuedeman of Demopolis was presented the Tagged for Greatness Scholarship at the 66th annual Alabama Cattlemen’s Association Convention and Trade Show.

As a senior at Demopolis High School, Stuedeman is a member of the tennis team, cheerleading squad, Anchor Club and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. She also serves as Beta Club vice president and is a Comfort Care Hospice volunteer.

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Pa. Beef Council holding course on beef management

Pa. Beef Council holding course on beef management

The Herald

Pennsylvania Beef Council will conduct a Beef Quality Assurance classroom-training session next week.

The class will be held at Mercer County Extension Office, U.S. Route 19, 1è miles north of Mercer.

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The veggie burger diet scam: Researchers warn parents

The veggie burger diet scam: Researchers warn parents


Chicago Sun Times

You may think of vegetarianism as the only ethical way to eat, a nutritional conspiracy or a relic of the days before hand-raised, humanely treated livestock became all the rage. But over at Time magazine they are asking themselves, “Is Vegetarianism a Teen Eating Disorder?”

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Borror named California Livestock Man of the Year

Borror named California Livestock Man of the Year

Jean Barton

Daily News

The California Livestock Man of the Year Award was presented to William F. Borror of Tehama Angus Ranch, Gerber during the Jr. Grand National Livestock Show held at the Cow Palace in San Francisco.

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K-State Research shows potential in feeding cull cows

K-State Research shows potential in feeding cull cows

Emporia Gazette

Deciding which cows to cull from the beef herd is a decision that all producers make from time to time. Recent studies by Kansas State University scientists indicate that once the decision is made, it may be worth a producer’s time and money to keep those cows a bit longer before sending them off to market.

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BSE reduction plan delayed

BSE reduction plan delayed


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration will delay a plan introduced a year ago designed to reduce the risk of BSE, better known as mad cow disease, in cattle imported from Canada.

A group of meat packers and others involved in the slaughter of cattle have asked the FDA to delay the rule with some help from the U.S. Congress.

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The Holsteins Are Coming

The Holsteins Are Coming

Steve Cornett

Beef Today

It looks like the dairymen are going to dump a bunch of their cows onto the beef market this late spring and early summer, whether cowboys like it or not.

Maybe it will be ok. It looks like the cows will come at a time when cow kills are seasonally low. But they may come pretty quickly once they start in early May and there may be a lot of them. Nobody really knows.

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As the Worm Turns

As the Worm Turns

Burt Rutherford

Beef Magazine

You can look at it the same way you look at weeds in your pastures, says Mike Hildreth. The weeds are there and, if they get too thick, need to be controlled. But no matter how hard you try, you’ll never completely knock them out.

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McCune farm receives ‘naturally grown’ distinction for livestock

McCune farm receives ‘naturally grown’ distinction for livestock

Greg Grisolano

Joplin Globe

Kevin Schenker and his wife, Cherie Thomas-Schenker, bought their farm on April Fools’ Day 2008.

Today, the 160-acre spread just west of McCune is home to about 80 head of cattle.

It also has become the first farm in Kansas to receive a Certified Naturally Grown distinction for its beef, pork and lamb products.

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Country faces shortage of large-animal veterinarians

Country faces shortage of large-animal veterinarians

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Demand for large-animal veterinarians is soaring, and a shortage could put the nation’s food supply and Wisconsin’s massive agriculture economy at risk, farm and government officials say.

The American Veterinary Medical Association goes so far as to call the large-animal vet shortage a threat to national security.

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