Daily Archives: April 13, 2015

First-Calf Cows: High nutrient demand can slow breed-back

First-Calf Cows: High nutrient demand can slow breed-back

Travis Meteer

University of Illinois

First-calf cows (3 year olds) are traditionally the most challenging animal to get bred on the farm. As we approach breeding season, cattlemen need to be aware of this challenge and make sure they do not drop the ball on getting first-calf cows re-bred.

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What’s in a beef bull breeding exam and fertility test?

What’s in a beef bull breeding exam and fertility test?

Beef Producer

A $100 investment in a fertility test (breeding soundness exam) and trich test for your herd bull could pay dividends in settled heifers and cows

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Merck releases new cattle handling video

Merck releases new cattle handling video


In an effort to help cattle producers better understand cattle behavior and become better and more efficient cattle handlers, Merck Animal Health launched its CreatingConnections website recently. Now, Merck has updated the site with an educational video about cattle shipping and transportation.

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Springtime Mud Impact and Management

Springtime Mud Impact and Management

Russ Euken

Feedlot Magazine

Earth surface feedlots and springtime in Iowa typically don’t go well together. When temperatures start to warm above freezing and ground begins to thaw, any additional moisture can create mud issues. Of course spring is not the only time mud can be an issue. Any time we have excess moisture from rain and snow, mud can become a problem.

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What to do if Your Wet Co-products Run Out—Plan B

What to do if Your Wet Co-products Run Out—Plan B

Luke Miller

The Great Plains News Feed

Wet co-products are a common component of many cattle feeding programs. However, the availability of these coproducts can be less than consistent during times of inclement weather, plant shut-downs, or simply a temporary imbalance of supply and demand. If you rely heavily on a consistent source of co-products, it is imperative to have a contingency plan in place in the event that they are not available when you need them.

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Dispelling the myths of artificial insemination

Dispelling the myths of artificial insemination

Travis McCarty


AI isn’t meant to be easy and may not be meant for everyone, but it’s also not that difficult for people to establish in their operation. I believe more operations can incorporate AI into their management practices than what is currently being done in the industry.

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#BeefsOnMyPlate Campaign Kicks Off

#BeefsOnMyPlate Campaign Kicks Off



The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association has a unique opportunity for you to engage in the discussion around diet and health in Washington D.C. The most recent Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee’s report has confusing nutritional messages by leaving lean meat out of healthy dietary pattern, despite its own nutritional evidence review. Now, you can engage by posting your pictures of how beef fits on your plate using #BeefsOnMyPlate.

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Obama’s antibiotic resistance plan

Obama’s antibiotic resistance plan

Dr. Richard Raymond

Feedstuffs Foodlink

LIKE it or not, there is going to be a lot of discussing and cussing, hair pulling and the "sky is falling" and "we’re all going to die" rhetoric following the Obama Administration’s March 27 release of its plan to reduce antibiotic resistance over the next five years.

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Beware of “Dr. Google”- Grass Tetany Myths Debunked

Beware of "Dr. Google"- Grass Tetany Myths Debunked

Dr. Michelle Arnold


Although the Internet provides a wealth of good information, all too often it contains false or misleading advice because no one directly oversees the content nor questions its validity.

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Utilize the K.I.S.S. Method

Utilize the K.I.S.S. Method

John F. Grimes

The Stock Exchange

The acronym used in the title of this article can mean a couple of different things depending on your perspective. Most of us have probably heard the less politically correct version of the K.I.S.S. acronym: “Keep It Simple, Stupid!” However, when referring to the current beef cattle calving season and imminent breeding season, I prefer to use this version of K.I.S.S.: “Keep It Short and Sweet!”

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