Pyfferoen long-time contributor to cattle industry

Pyfferoen long-time contributor to cattle industry

By Janet Kubat Willette

Agri News

Tom Pyfferoen has been involved in the Minnesota State Cattlemen’s Association for about a decade.

He got involved in 1995 and was feeder council chairman in 1999-2000. He was elected first vice president in December 2002, setting up the progression to become president in four years.

He’s taken in quite a few meetings since becoming president and the invitations keep coming in.

“I could probably go somewhere four or five days a week,” Pyfferoen said.

Last week, he was home tending his cattle. He primarily buys calves and yearlings and raises them to slaughter weight. In the summer, he and partner Tom Haight of Rochester buy 500 pound to 600 pound cattle to put on pasture and then feed out. The beef cattle gain about two pounds a day on pasture. He buys either from sales barn or through private treaty sales. He has an order buyer in Omaha who buys cattle for him. Last year, he fed out 1,000 cattle.


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