Cattle Producers Offered Incentives To Enroll In Verification Program

Cattle Producers Offered Incentives To Enroll In Verification Program


North Dakota cattle producers have some new reasons to enroll in a program that verifies the age and source of the animals they sell.

Some meat packing plants are paying a premium of $25 to $30 per head for cattle that are age and source verified, according to Karl Hoppe, Extension Service area livestock specialist at North Dakota State University’s Carrington Research Extension Center.

Also, major beef-buying companies, such as McDonald’s and Wal-Mart, are starting to require verification of the source of the meat they buy. The Japanese market reopening to U.S. beef is increasing the demand for age and source verification as well.

Age and source verification programs allow agricultural producers to assure customers they are providing consistent, high-quality products.


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