Forage Focus: Hay Is in the Barn

Forage Focus: Hay Is in the Barn

Now that November is here our thoughts turn to the Holidays. Ol’ man winter is not far away and feeding hay probably isn’t too far away either. So now is a good time to take inventory of what your stored feed needs are going to be and then determine “do I have enough hay to carry me through until new grass in late March or early April”?

Take inventory of your bale numbers, then weigh a few bales, do the math and see exactly how many tons of hay you have in inventory. Next, have a nutrient analysis test done on your hay. Your county agent can help you with this. After the analyses are returned, work with your agent to balance a ration that will give the desired results (maintenance, pounds of gain, pounds of milk, etc.) you want for your livestock over the winter.

Once the calculations are made you should know if you are going to have just enough hay, not enough (and might have to buy some hay) or excess that could be marketed commercially. Whatever the outcome you’ll have good numbers and can plan accordingly.


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