In accord, from farm to table

In accord, from farm to table
Farmers and chefs encourage use of sustainable and locally grown products

The Oregonian
Tuesday, March 07, 2006

T yler Jones is a farmer who put off finishing his history degree because he’d rather raise bees, pasture cattle and fence pigs in the woods.

Matt Allen is an executive chef on a four-year odyssey from frozen french fries and mass-slaughterhouse cattle to heirloom potatoes and beef raised on grass, with no hormones or antibiotics.

The two met Monday morning, in the midst of dozens of other new conversations between those who grow and raise food in Oregon and Southwest Washington, and those who put it on restaurant tables, in buffet lines and on store shelves. They talked at the Clackamas County Fairgrounds in Canby at the Farmer-Chef Connection, which has grown from nearly 70 attendees when it began in 2001 to about 275 Monday.


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